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Adaawxs K'uł Yaaga Łgu Awta
This story, also known as Porcupine and Beaver is a very popular Ts'msyen story. There are several published versions of this story, and one version appears in the curriculum for the School District 52 Sm'algya̱x program. Another version was recorded in Gitxaała by Dorothy Brown in the 1968s, with John Dunn.
The version told by Violet Robinson here was recorded by Margaret Anderson around 1978. A number of fluent speakers assisted with the transcription and translation of this text: Theresa Lowther, Marjorie Brown, Velna Nelson, Beatrice Robinson and Ellen Mason.

K'uł Yaaga Łgu Awta - Violet Robinson
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Porcupine's Song - Violet Robinson
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