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Adaawg̱a Wila Waalsga k'oolda
Łgu Łguwaalksik t'in Si P'asa K'yiwaałg̱n

Beynon Text 126
By Henry Pierce, Rewritten by John Dunn, whose translation appears following Beynon’s in the literal translation line. Final version rewritten by Velna Nelson, Beatrice Robinson and Theresa Lowther, with Margaret Anderson. This is the story of the princess who made a pet of a grub-worm. Read by Velna Nelson.

Note: A simplified version of this story is also available
in an illustrated children's story book.

Adaawg̱a Wila Waalsga k'oolda Łgu Łguwaalksik t'in Si P'asa K'yiwaałg̱n - Velna Nelson
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